Ebook gratuit Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

Ebook gratuit Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

Non seulement de la nation, ont des individus dans le monde entier ont apprécié cette publication beaucoup. Ce sont les personnes merveilleuses, les gens qui ont toujours prêt ainsi que l'esprit d'examiner et de renforcer leur capacité et aussi l'expertise. Serez-vous juste un des? Absolument, quand vous êtes relais en pensant à, vous pouvez être l'une des personnes merveilleuses. Ce Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure In The Tech Start-Up Bubble, By Dan Lyons est présenté pour vous attirer, car il est si fondamental de reconnaître. Pourtant, l'importance est si profonde. Vous pourriez sembler rencontrer et d'agir par vous-même.

Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

Ebook gratuit Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

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Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 272 pages

Editeur : Atlantic Books; Édition : Export/Airside (1 septembre 2016)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1786491001

ISBN-13: 978-1786491008

Dimensions du produit:

14,8 x 2 x 22,5 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

3.9 étoiles sur 5

3 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

484.871 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Funny, incisive, a true eye-opener as to how tech start-ups really work and what their founders and VCs are really after!

Mon avis tranche avec l'opinion générale et je vais expliquer pourquoi. Le pitch : un quinqua raconte son expérience pro détestable dans une start-up, à cause du décalage avec ses collègues et son rejet du business model de la silicon valley. Et c'est censé être sur un ton humoristique. OK, ça me tente, et a priori je me sens plutôt de son côté. Sauf que le ton est celui de quelqu'un qui critique en bloc la société qui, comme il le rappelle lui-même à de nombreuses reprises, lui a permis pendant de long mois de faire manger sa famille et d'avoir une couverture santé. Et à aucun moment je n'ai perçu une envie de l'auteur d'avoir de l'empathie pour ses collègues qui, étant différents de lui, sont alors quasiment tous des imbéciles interchangeables. Je suis plutôt d'accord avec son avis sur l'excès de valorisation de toutes ces start-up qui elles-mêmes ne savnt pas ce qu'elles vendent ; mais tellement critiquer le système, et y rester pour le salaire sans avoir le courage de partir, en prenant le rôle de la victime, non, je n'achète pas... Si l'auteur avait daigné descendre de son piédestal d'ancien journaliste prestigieux et accepté les nouvelles règles du jeu de la start-up (ou refusé d'y jouer, personne ne l'a forcé à y aller, encore moins à y rester), en se tournant vers ses collègues, peut-être aurait-il pu tiirer quelque chose de positif de cette expérience ?Mon commentaire serait différent si j'avais ri tout le long et que l'on avait affaire à une satire humoristique, mais ce n'est pas le cas car l'ouvrage transpire la frustration (et sent un peu aussi la prétention). Très dommage et promesse non tenue pour ce livre.

This personal and sarcastic experience of the start up environment brought a few hours of fun. I recommend it . Interesting to notice that very few writers do share with transparency their real work experience. Here it is a pleasure.

This book affected me at a profound level. I was the oldest employee at various startups for a decade, and Dan Lyons accurately described the absurdity and frustration I encountered at all of them. He crafted his story so well that I felt transported back to that special hell of a fifty-something writer toiling away for years in a frat-house sweatshop with a "team" of ill-prepared (yet oh-so-special) snowflakes.If you find yourself considering employment at a similar company, and if you're "old" (over 40 and certainly over 50), please read this book before you sign anything or accept any job offers. It's a cautionary tale that is the most perfect description of the current startup "culture" I've ever read. It made my blood boil while reading it, and at the same time I found myself laughing out loud throughout.The book is a remarkable achievement, giving both prospective employees and investors a razor-sharp look inside a hellhole that seems so pleasant from its exterior. I loved this book and hope all my former, present and future colleagues take the time to read it.

Disrupted not only wildly entertains; it also sheds light on some troubling issues in the startup and tech cultures.Entertainment: Disrupted caused me to laugh out loud more often than any other book has ever caused me to laugh out loud. Would you expect less from a writer for the TV show Silicon Valley? Reading Disrupted is like binge-watching SV, only this company is a REAL place, which makes it even better.Important social issues: Disrupted also raises a couple of troubling issues that surely extend far beyond the culture of this one company. The first is what appears to be a false promise of meaningful work to young people who desperately want to be doing meaningful work, but who are really just making a couple of people very, very wealthy. There's a smoke-and-mirrors quality to the ways in which employees are recruited, trained, treated, and then "graduated" (Hubspot's term for "fired"). They're told that the work they'll be doing is changing the world (when really what they're doing is online advertising), that Hubspot is more selective than Harvard (when this is actually a severe distortion of the data), and so on. The perks used to attract employees include an 'awesome!!!' candy wall, shower pods, beer, nerf gun battles, etc. You quickly get the sense that the work is empty, meaningless, even soulless -- and that what it's really about is making a couple of guys very, very rich (which I would be okay with IF the work truly were meaningful and IF the employees truly were being treated as individual humans, not as hypnotized sheep.)Second, Dan is brave enough to bring up another important issue in startup culture: ageism. Older people are seen as having nothing to contribute. The age discrimination is actually shockingly overt. Imagine saying, "I want to run a company that really attracts people with blue eyes, because people with brown eyes just aren't creative." You'd (probably) never say something like that. But people who run this company openly say that about young people versus older people. I'm glad Dan is talking about it, because someone needed to start that conversation.

If you've ever considered investing in an IPO (Initial Public Offering) of a company about to go public, and it's a Technology StartUp, don't waste your money. I couldn't believe what I was reading of what really happens when a Tech company goes public. This book is non stop reading once you pick it up. At around 260 pages, easy to read font, you'll feel like you're right there at HubSpot with the author working at a playground. Kids are left to run a company started by adults for no other reason than to create a lot of hype that the company is important enough to go public. Companies without profits are being allowed to list on the stock exchange so venture capitalist and founders can get rich off of your money. There's absolutely no oversight or regulations to protect public investors who want to invest in an IPO and someone needs to go to prison as a result of whats happening. This book describes part two of "Wall Street Gone Wild" and it all starts in Silicon Valley where venture capital firms raise money from wealthy people to finance scams called Tech StartUps. When you hear that a company valuation is in the billions, don't believe it because it's just one opinion to create hype before a company goes public. There once was a time when a company had to show a profit before an IPO, "Not Anymore" as this book depicts. As an investor of a tech startup today, your money pays for beer, candy and play, all so a so called tech company can hire a bunch of kids who are willing to work cheap writing blogs and engaging in phone solicitations to sell a worthless cloud software product (SaaS) otherwise known as software as a service. Hold on to your money and read this this book is all I can say. As for HubSpot, the tech company where the author worked, it's losing borrowed money each day while it trades on the stock market, yet analyst tell you to buy it. In my opinion after reading this book, it's uncovered some things the tech industry and venture capitalist hoped the general public never knew.

This is the funniest book I've read in years. Anyone who works (or has worked) at a start-up and who understands the forced corporate culture should read this. This is exactly like the start up i most recently worked for, even down to the names and titles. I was literally spitting out my tea at my desk while I laughed. Ever had to take a personality test and then get stuck in a room talking about it for 1/2 day while your work piles up? Dan talks about it and summarizes it perfectly.

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Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons PDF

Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons PDF
Disrupted : Ludirous Misadventure in the Tech Start-Up Bubble, by Dan Lyons PDF

Ebook Télécharger Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

Ebook Télécharger Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

Vous ne pouvez pas avoir à être sur ce doute Processus 2 BTS CG 1re Et 2e Années, By Christine Darlay Il est moyen simple d'obtenir ce livre Processus 2 BTS CG 1re Et 2e Années, By Christine Darlay Vous pourriez simplement voir le lien établi avec le web que nous fournissons. Ci - dessous, vous pouvez acheter le livre Processus 2 BTS CG 1re Et 2e Années, By Christine Darlay par sur Internet. En téléchargeant Processus 2 BTS CG 1re Et 2e Années, By Christine Darlay, vous pouvez découvrir les documents doux de ce livre. Ceci est l'heure exacte pour que vous puissiez commencer à lire. Même cela ne la publication imprimée Processus 2 BTS CG 1re Et 2e Années, By Christine Darlay; il précisément de fournir plus d' avantages. Pourquoi? Vous ne pouvez pas apporter la publication publiée Processus 2 BTS CG 1re Et 2e Années, By Christine Darlay ou le guide de la pile dans votre maison ou au bureau.

Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

Ebook Télécharger Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

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Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 288 pages

Editeur : Nathan (28 mai 2015)


Langue : Français

ISBN-10: 2091637963

ISBN-13: 978-2091637969

Dimensions du produit:

21,6 x 2 x 29,8 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

4.4 étoiles sur 5

3 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

220.520 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

dernier livre acheté pour mon fils en BTS gestion

Excellent, Ce livre fourni cours et exercices afin d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires. Très utile pour les BTS CG et autres équivalences

Livre correct et en bon état. Très intéressant pour moi, et correspond à mes besoins. Ce livre est formateur pour un futur metier

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Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay PDF

Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay PDF
Processus 2 BTS CG 1re et 2e années, by Christine Darlay PDF



Un de se rappeler quand allez lire cette publication donne le temps parfaitement. Ne jamais essayer dans votre temps pressé, bien sûr, il peut vous perturber de ne pas obtenir rien de négatif. Cette publication est vraiment étendue comme il l'a autre façon d'informer et aussi décrire les téléspectateurs, de considérer néanmoins le contenu de ce livre. Vous pourriez vous sentir au début exactement ce genre de réalités pour donner dans ce PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING, mais aussi pour certains, il va certainement entreprendre pour les autres.





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Le regard de cette publication, ainsi que le titre est vraiment intrigante. Cependant, le matériau est pas non plus beaucoup moins de passion. Chaque mot qui est fait d'utiliser ainsi que combien l'auteur met en place mots qui phrase ainsi que l'importance sont en fait correcte et appropriée. Il convient à la situation ici et maintenant. Ici, les caractéristiques PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING à quel point une publication est nécessaire. Toutes les parties des bonnes publications sont nécessaires. En outre, l'élément crucial qui apportera les gens à vérifier est également donnée parfaitement.

En ce qui concerne ce livre, tout le monde comprend que c'est vraiment fascinant livre. Vous avez peut-être cherché cette publication dans de nombreux magasins. Est-ce que tu l'as? Lorsque vous manquiez cette publication pour obtenir, vous pouvez l'obtenir ici. Vous reconnaissez, obtenir PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING dans ce site sera beaucoup plus facile. Pas besoin d'opter pour l'achat dans les magasins de livres, la marche d'un magasin à d'autres, c'est le web qui a des listes collections de livres al dans le monde, principalement. Les liens sont fournis pour chaque livre.

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Détails sur le produit

Broché: 450 pages

Editeur : WROX Press Ltd; Édition : 01 (17 septembre 1999)

Collection : Wrox Us

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 186100222X

ISBN-13: 978-1861002228

Dimensions du produit:

19 x 5,1 x 23,5 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

1.802.548 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

I have 4 years VB programming experience, but after read 7 chapters of this book, I'm still feel confusing. Everything are talked a little bit, but nothing is discussed in detail.Each chapter is not well connected, this not like a book but like a huge magazine with a bunch of articles -- too many authers can mess up a good name book. They seems never talk to each other before and after writing this book. for examble, in beginning of chapter 9, it says: "By now you have learned how Active Server Page (ASP) use components. In the next two chapters, we will focus on ... (something base on use components)" -- False! I never learned, at least in this book! In chapter 6 -- DHTML Application. The example application is only working in VB IDE even after making the package. It's either the author's problem or Microsoft's problem. As a "Professional VB Web programming book", it neither explains how to deploy a Web application well in general, nor teach you programming in detail. This book turns me to other ASP books.

This book covers, in excellent fashion, the realm of possibilities in web-enabling your VB6 skills.First, I would like to clarify that VB6 DOES NOT create web applications, but you have a lot of options to allow your application, or your applications logic, to be presented via web browsers. This book shows you API's and scripting languages that can be used with Visual Basic to accomplish tasks.Anyone looking for a specific solution to a web programming project using VB, then get a specialized book for that subject, do not assume this book will cover every detail of your needs.I really enjoyed the coverage of XML becuase it is hard to find quality information about this new language.Once again, Wrox rocks the boat with a great book.

I rated this 5 stars because it has the most useful writeup on writing Server Components in VB for use with ASP - chapters 9-11. I wanted to do this and had trouble getting working samples and explanations. I feel that industrial strength ASP is very ugly and unweildy if you don't encapsulate the code into components. MSDN has lots of reference material about this but little, if any, useful "how to" stuff that i could find.This book showed me how to do exactly what i wanted to do.Other than that, it is a good introduction into a good number of web concepts, old and new. The first 3 chapters were a good overview of Microsoft web concepts and techniques. The writeup on web classes, if you like them, is good. I really liked the CGI case study including how to implement standard input/output via the win32 API.The relatively free use of various win32 API functions in VB help overcome a general fear of mixing VB and CC++ functionality.The book was a bit large but was well organized. In general it gave me a much higher opinion of Wrox books.

I have to agree with previous reviewers, this book DOES cover quite a bit. From DHTML to IIS Applications, but it has to be considered a beginner to intermediate book on Web programming in VB6. Even though the long-term viability of Web Classes is under question, the utter lack of any quality material on the ONE thing Microsoft touts as "Web" enabled in VB6 is extremely disappointing for a book so expensive. You can debug problems with your objects in VB6 with WebClasses that you can't perform with an ASP page and a compiled dll. Do they even mention this? No.For the interested, you can find most of the material discussed in this book by simply looking on MSDN or other web sites for articles on the subjects you're interested in. With multiple authors, that's all you will get out of this book, anyway.

I wrote a review of VB6 Web four months ago, and have since gained a greater appreciation of the book. I was frustrated that it didn't have more WebClass material. I've realized I can't really fault it for that - WebClasses are very new, and nobody has much material on the subject. I've since gone through a book specifically on WebClasses, and it didn't really give much more basic information on the subject than VB6 Web did.I've come to appreciate VB6 Web as a comprehensive reference on web programming in Visual Basic. The web development company where I now work uses VB6 Web as an essential reference in our weekly technology study sessions.




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